Our impact

Toopi Organics is a company committed to sustainable development and ecological transition.

Nous connaissons l’impact que les activités humaines ont sur notre planète et sur nos sociétés.  Nous voyons notre
solution as one of the many improvements needed to contribute to more sustainable agriculture. 

We use ISO 14044-certified life cycle assessments to evaluate the effects of our products on the environment, and to help our customers make the best possible use of our biostimulants.

Our Impact environmental


Tons of CO2e saved


m3 of drinking water saved by our waste collection activities


m3 liters of wastewater that won't overload the sewage system

Our socio-economic impact

Acceptability of using valorized excreta.

Securing the site and improving
soil life. 

Reduced dependence on imported chemical fertilizers. 

Our ethical charter

In 2023, Toopi Organics adopted an ethical charter to define a virtuous framework governing the way we work and the relationships we wish to maintain with our suppliers and customers. We want our business development to take place in a responsible and humane manner, in keeping with the values we promote.

Our CSR policy

Putting our employees at the heart of our company's success

  • Protecting the health of our employees
  • Include employees in CSR actions through a commission
  • Monter en compétence pour valoriser nos savoir-faire

Cultiver Cultivating our skills in the service of the environment

  • Knowing the impact of our products
  • Raising environmental awareness among our employees and stakeholders
  • Réduire nos consommations

Développer des produits performants et impactants

  • Intégrer les utilisateurs dans la prise de décision
  • S’ouvrir au monde
  • S’adapter au marché et aux clients

Include the community: think global, act local

  • Intégrer nos parties prenantes dans notre succès
  • Faire vivre l’intérêt général

Guarantee governance at everyone's service

  • Enabling employees to participate in corporate life
  • Leading by example
  • Demonstrate inclusion internally

The Impact Committee

Toopi Organics wants to ensure that its impact policy is independently recognized and monitored to enable an optimal continuous improvement process. This committee meets once a year.

Président du comité impact - Magistrat à la Cour des Comptes
Membre du comité impact - Investment Manager, Noshaq
Membre du comité impact - Impact VC Fund manager, MAIF Impact
Nicolas De Crombrugghe
Membre du comité impact - Partner Impact Investment, Edaphon